Friday, May 26, 2006

How to help

This year, I decided to use my vacation to visit Cambodia to learn more about child protection issues and visit projects that are improving the lives of children and their families. It was a life changing experience. I noticed how much opportunity we have here in America and how much good we can do by giving even the smallest amount of time and resources, bringing us all closer together.

It can be overwhelming to think of child exploitation and trafficking on a global level or to see first hand children under 10 years of age victimized by those willing to exploit them for sex, drugs or labor. However, I learned there is a Portland based organization, Village Focus International, partnering with local groups in Cambodia that have protected the lives of hundreds of children and their families and prevented illegal sex trade and labor practices.

I have decided to make a difference and offer my own time and resources to help VFI support these projects. Please join me! Below is a wish list of items that, if funded, will ensure the protection of hundreds of children. There are a number of options if you want to support this effort. First of all, if you want to support a specific wish list item listed below, please contact me or Laura Johnson ( Secondly, you can click here to make an online donation to help VFI continue these projects through 2006. Lastly, please contact me if you know of any individuals or organizations that could be of assistance with networking or resources. Also, feel free to forward this message to your personal email distribution lists - create awareness, connect people and let's changes lives together!

To learn more specifics and see photographs, you can click on the links or visit